Display Name in Flow Switch?

I like to use Flow Switch for branching some decisions since it is seen from the higher level of Flowchart, and I think it would be easier to see if we can change the Display Name for the Flow Step like in Flow Decisions.

Current Flow Switch:

Flow Switch with custom Display Name:

Hi @whyyouandi

This is already doable, you simply have to click on the branch to get to the menu :slight_smile:

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Hello @loginerror, thank you for your kind follow up and response.
I see we can add custom name for default case, but it seems we cannot add custom name to other cases(not default ones)?


I tested it right now on 2019.10-beta151 and I can change them freely:

All I have to do is to click on the ‘0’ or ‘1’ - basically selecting each branch separately.

Hello @loginerror, thank you for the response.
The idea was to put custom name (other than the case value itself) to the line.
Ex: When code is “344435”, display “Request declined” word in the line.

I get it now, thanks! I reported it for out product team to consider for future releases :slight_smile:

Thank you for the continuous support!