How to resolve the Digitize Document Error received when " Error waiting for host service. Timeout: 30000" ?
Issue Description: Digitize Document Error: Error waiting for host service. Timeout: 30000
This could also happen anytime an OCR activity is used.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check which version of the UiAutomation package is being used. Prior to 21.4, the Vision Host executable would try and verify a signature on a package before loading the package. This check could fail with certain scenarios. In 21.4 this check was disabled.
- Upgrading the UiAutomation package will only work to fix the issue if all the dependency packages are updated.
- Alternatively, a manual fix can be applied on the machine where the issue occurs:
- Go to C:\Users\\.nuget\packages\\\build\UiPath.Vision.Host32.exe.config (to check what version to fix, open the project in Studio and check the Vision dependency
- In the config file, under the section add the following:
- If the above approach does not fix the issue, check the Vision host logs on the Robot machine: %localappdata%\UiPath\Logs\
- The Vision host log will be named based on the OCR engine that is being used in the activities.
- Try seeing if the log message helps to understand the issue. There typically would be an error message in the log.
- If there is no log message in the log, then that means that communication is broken. At this point share the following details with UiPath Support:
- %localappdata%\UiPath\Logs\
- Full stack trace of the error
- OCR engine being used.