Deserialize XML from SOAP

Hi everyone, I am getting this response from a HTTP Request and I would like to build a DataTable with some information about the “Documents”. But I am not able to access to the XElement “EncargoIntegrarDatos”. Any help?

Thank you!!

<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
  <soap-env:Header />
    <n0:EncargoIntegrarDatosIntegrarFicherosReadByIDResponse_sync xmlns:n0="" xmlns:prx="">
            <TypeName>Standard Attachment</TypeName>
            <MIMEName>Java Archive</MIMEName>
            <FilesizeMeasure unitCode="AD">2969.0</FilesizeMeasure>
            <TypeName>Standard Attachment</TypeName>
            <MIMEName>Java Archive</MIMEName>
            <FilesizeMeasure unitCode="AD">4464.0</FilesizeMeasure>
      <Log />

Hi @ajgb

please use the DE serialize xml activity which will give you the desired output

subsequently can use get xml nodes activities and loop through all the data


Yes I know that activity, but I am not able to access to the deserialized content. It seems that is not as simple as a deserializeXML.Element(“Body”)….


Hi @ajgb

Can you provide a sample file so that it would be easy to check

And if its complex xml then you need to deserialize multiple times by getting the value from output and passing back to another deserialize activity

This might help


Have a look here where it is elaborating on how to handle XML Namespaces:

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