OKK…in that case with ctrl + g
go to s18 or s(any cell you want) column first and then send hot key like ctrl+shift+leftarrow, that would select from A18 to S18
Then again use a send hot key like ctrl+Shift+downarrow
that would work buddy @keshav
OKK…in that case with ctrl + g
go to s18 or s(any cell you want) column first and then send hot key like ctrl+shift+leftarrow, that would select from A18 to S18
Then again use a send hot key like ctrl+Shift+downarrow
that would work buddy @keshav
Pretty much the above but Ctrl+shift+Left
is that workig buddy @keshav
Hi @keshav
You have one more simple solution without opening excel file.
Just use System → File → Workbook → Write cell activity
Select the range and pass “” as value.
Thanks & Regards,
Arunpandian Murugan
@Palaniyappan It is showing the process while execution and it seemd it is working like expected. and after delete I am sending ctrl + S also. but once I am opening the excel file to see it is like older one. Nothing deleted. Strange
try to save it as new file buddy @keshav
@arunpandian It looks easy. But in my case only column is fixed from A to S. And row start from A18, but End range is not fixed… So how i can give the end range?
@Palaniyappan After this activity i have to perform more task on this sheet only. So i need to save this file only not new file. Why it is not saving
What to do?
@Palaniyappan It works… Instead of ctrl S i have used Alt+F and Alt+S.
So the process is what i have used:
1.Excel application scope
2. read range
3.Hot key Ctrl g
4. type into “S18”
5. Send hot key “enter”
6. send hot key ctrl+shift+left(till i reach to A18)
7. Send hot key ctrl+shift+down
8 send hot key Del
9. Send hot key Alt+F and Alt+s.
Thank you all for your time.
Finally go to the solution in the end
Thats amazing buddy
Hi @keshav,
Try this Dynamic Method
And pass in the range A18:S(Datatable count value)
Thanks & Regards,
Arunpandian Murugan
If you dont mind Could you please show me an example.
or send me the steps in detail please.
Hi @keshav,
Kindly try it and revert to me, just 2 steps and more reliable way.
Thanks & Regards,
Arunpandian Murugan
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