Hello Friends,
how is it possible to clear all the content inside an Excel Sheet?
I tried with send hotkeys but it didn’t work.
How is it possible to delete all the content in this sheet?
Movimenti.xlsx (9.5 KB)
Thank you so much friends,
Hi Camilla,
PFA. Workflow that deletes the content of an excel sheet. I have used send hot key activity. Kindly let me know if you face any issues while executing it.
Main.xaml (6.7 KB)
Thanks and regards,
Thenk you so much @Ananthu.
I tried with your workflow but it doesn’t work in my case.
Have you please got any other ideas?
Thank you so much,
Hi @CamiCat,
You can always try using a short VBA code snippet to clear the entire sheet.
See attached example: ClearAll.zip (1.6 KB)
Thank you so much @loginerror.
I tried to use yoour workflow but it gives me this error.
Can you please help me?
Thank you so much,
is it possible to write a code in the assign activity to delete all the content of the written Rows?
Thank you so much,
Camilla, For the exception you got try to make the settings as mentioned below,
Exception : Programmatic access to the visual basic project..
And try running it once more.
I use the ‘write cell’ activity in an excel application scope, have the range as “A:Z” (or however many columns there are) and write the value “”. Works every time.
Thank you so much @KEntwistle.
If I have some columns and rows how is it possible to make a cycle over all the cells and set the content to “”?
Thank you so much,
The range “A:Z” will type over all rows in those columns. It’s the one I use because it’s more likely that I won’t know how many rows there are, than not know how many columns.
Similarly “A2:Z500” will clear that ‘rectangle’ of cells. “2:2” will clear all columns in row 2 only.
If I need to leave the headers and don’t know how many rows to clear, I over estimate how many rows there are likely to be. OR you could read just row 1 into a datatable (the headers) making sure add headers is unchecked, clear the rest of the sheet using the above method and then write the single row datatable back in (without headers - the headers will just be the superficial column0, column1 etc).
Hope this helps? The downsides are if the number of rows/columns are variable you may have to guess, but at least you’re not messing about with macros.
Thank you so much @KEntwistle.
I tried the solution and it worked.
Thank you so much,
Thank you so much @Dominic.
I tried using your solution and the Macro worked on thr Pc.
Thank you so much for your precious help.
Hey@ KEntwistle
I have 20 rows with 4 columns need to delete, then how can I use this write range activity
Assuming your data starts in A1, you could write to range “A1:D20”