Good afternoon, I apologize if this topic was opened in the wrong area.
I’m having trouble reading an excel cell with decimal value. When he transposes the information he does not consider the “,”
Ex: 60,953.93> 6,095,393.00
I am using the “type into” row (“VALUE”) activity. Tostring
When I use “type into”
“60953.93” he considers the comma normally.
However this way is not practical, as it would have to update values directly in the automation and not in the spreadsheet.
I think in excel file there is formatting issue may be there.
The cell datatype may be number that i why it is not considering commas as of now.
I also faced the same issue so when i change my cell format to text, it gave me required output in uipath as below
Input excel used:
Now change the cell format to text then it will consider the number as text and commas will be preserved.
For changing cell format using uipath u can use Balareva activities @balupad14