I have to copy a large matrix from a csv file to an excel file. The csv has the “,” as decimal separator and doesn’t have any group separator.
My xaml has two activity:
Read csv
Write range.
When I launch my process, the output excel file has a wrong number format, for example:
csv number → 3,6000
excel number → 36000.
I changed the decimal and group separator from my Control Panel, but I had the same result. “It seems that UiPath doesn’t consider this modify”.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
PS: I have a large matrix and I can’t format number by number (for reason of time).
I try the second workaround. I have to use the regular expression substitution because I have to replace only commas in number (in my csv are present some customerID and description with commas, so I can’t include these in the substitution).
How can I create a regex to perform it?
For example:
my starting string → customerID;here I have the customer description with some commas,;3,6000;3,6000;3,5900
desired output string → customerID;here I have the customer description with some commas,;3.6000;3.6000;3.5900