I’m trying to upload a decimal value into a database.
I get the values from a table and assign them as String
in the output the values are printed well
values arrive in query
“IF EXISTS (Select * From UTM_UTA_IPC Where Año = 2022 And Mes = “+outMes+” ) UPDATE UTM_UTA_IPC Set UTM =”+outUTM+“, UTA = “+outUTA+”, IPC = “+outIPC+” Where Año = 2022 And Mes =”+outMes+"
INSERT INTO UTM_UTA_IPC (Año, Mes, UTM, UTA,IPC, Factor ) VALUES ( 2022, “+outMes+”, “+outUTM+”, “+outUTA+”, “+outIPC+”, “+outFactor+”)"
when the values reach the DB they change, they are rounded
correct number
output in DB