Date Time Parse

@pl.rusinov ,

In that case we would ask you to Check with the Below Post. Or Perform a Debug and check the value of the Datatable in the Locals or Immediate Panel.

We should be able to find different formats of date values in it. Once identified we can use those formats within the DateTime.ParseExact() method to parse the date properly.

Also, You could Check with the below Expression :

dateFormats = {"dd/MM/yyyy","MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"}
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) x("Type of order").ToString = "Close Account" andAlso DateTime.ParseExact(x("Date and time of order sent").ToString, dateFormats,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None).DayOfWeek.ToString = "Monday").Count

Here, dateFormats is a type of String Array variable.