Hi I need to pass the date from Excel to Application through uipath. Date in the excel is in dd/mm/yyyy format but while doing the job Uipath is inputting the date in US format . How do I achieve to send the date in dd/mm/yyyy format ?
FYI , in my excel date is in right format as I want .
Hi @AshLearnUI,
Please check the below zip folder i developed it as per your requirement including the excel file.
time_Conversion.zip (48.1 KB)
Let me know if you have any doubts.
Thank you @Vashisht . I don’t want to pass time , it is just the date in dd/mm/yyyyy format i would need to pass.
Would you change it for the date only format please . Thanks in advance .
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Hello @AshLearnUI , You can follow these steps
- Use an Assign activity to assign to a variable named inputDate, value of VB expression -
Convert.ToDateTime(In_TransactionItem.Item(“DateFromExcel”)).ToString(“dd/mm/yyyy”) - Now use inputDate variable in the Type Into activity to pass the date to the application
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Yeah , it worked for me . Thank you @Vashisht .
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