I have different images in a folder which need to be searched on ‘Google Images’ website and I need to data scrap the results separately for each image.
I am opening each image search in separate Chrome tabs and data scraping the results in Datatable.
Everything works fine except data scraping gets data from the first opened browser tab always. Data scraping is not taking data from the current tab.
I want result of each image separately and save into datatable.
@adoshi - if you do a multiple chrome browsers activity with image search - it will impact your VM/PC/robot performance. you can try below steps…
1- Do a for each loop with your image folder files
2- open chrome → navigate → and do the search & data scraping activities
3- once you complete your respective activities - close the browser
4 - continue the loop with another image item
It close the multiple chrome sessions(processes) in your VM/PC and improve the robot performance.