Database Error

Get All details of CASE_DETAILS Table: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

using query “SELECT * FROM “+DB_Name+”.case_details ;”;
(ran same query in workbench able to get the table but from studio giving the error)


Instead of SELECT * , try selecting specific columns one by one and check which columns is causing this issue. Finding this will help you to find the real root cause.


Also, just in case it would be this stupid of an issue, please make sure you use this:

"SELECT * FROM "+DB_Name+".case_details;"

instead of:

“SELECT * FROM “+DB_Name+”.case_details ;”

It is most likely not it, but I have this reaction any time I see those and quotations marks :sweat_smile:


thank you this helped with the bot

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Print the query in the console and manually verify it against the database. This approach will help you construct a precise and error-free SQL query while ensuring it meets your expectations.

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