Database Corrupted After Failed Upgrade Attempt From v.2019 To v.2022

Resolution when upgrade failed with the message "The resx database schema is already used".

Issue Description:
Upgrade failed with the message "The resx database schema is already used"

When an Orchestrator upgrade fails and the rollback is not successful, even if the Orchestrator instance can still be accessed and the processes run smoothly, the database may still have tables created during the upgrade.

When the upgrade process runs again it will fail with the error message that one of the schemas to be created already exists

On checking the base it is found that the resx scheme and tables exists

In this case if there is no backup to get back to the initial state, delete all entries related to resx

Resolution: Do a full backup and verify in the below tabs for the resx data.

  • Tables
  • Schemas (database schema can’t be deleted without deleting the tables that are related to that schema).
  • Views
  • Functions
  • Sequences

After the database has been cleaned, run the installer again.

Note that not only the "resx" schema can corrupt the database, since the rollback left traces of the "upd" and "stats" schemas, these entries need to be removed as well.

  • If there are other entries in the database than "resx" then the installer will return that one of those schemes is already used or it will fail with the following error.

  • System.Exception: Migration failed: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
  • Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.