I recently converted my workflow from Windows - Legacy to Windows to comply with the warnings about things not working soon. Once converted, when I attempt to debug my workflow (which includes a DatabaseConnect activity making a connection to an Oracle database) that gives me for the following error:
Bad IL format. The format of the file ‘C:\Users\ROADMINASS.nuget\packages\UiPath.database.activities\1.6.1\lib/net5.0-windows7.0/runtimes/win-x64/native/sni.dll’ is invalid.
I currently have 1.6.1 version installed for UiPath.Database.Activities, but I have upgraded and downgraded to versions 1.7.1, 1.6.0, and 1.5.0. All of these have provided me the exact same error code when debugging the workflow.
How can I fix this? I’ve even deleted those folders out of the .nuget folders to attempt to reset things, but to no avail. Do I need to change the Provider Name to something else? I’d prefer to stay with Oracle, but need to make this connection.
Picture of DatabaseConnect activity below with my settings:
Having the same issue as OP, and have tried the same things. Reached out to UiPath Support and it seems to be an error/bug that is still without a resolution.
The interesting part for me is that I’m able to connect to the database from my machine but an unattended bot cannot.
So far I have been given 3 hits, none work but i’ll share here since this might be a multi-issue problem and some of the solutions work for some and not for all.
Install/Check Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable ([x86|x64]) in your apps & features/installed programs.
Testing a connection with the MS SQL database is irrelevant for my situation, as the Database is an Oracle Database and I would never be able to make a successful connection with anything other than Oracle drivers.
I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to Oracle drivers being available on the machine. When I made the connection on Windows - Legacy protocols, I didn’t do install anything other than choosing the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client provider name and the connection was able to be successful. Do you have suggestions on how to check if the Oracle Driver is available on the machine for win-x64? I took a screenshot of my ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) screen if that helps at all.
Good guess on the driver, for me it was that the issue. Never thought of checking the version because we have been using the 32 bit with legacy and it was setup a long time ago.
Did this just happen to be the case with this activity set (UiPath.Database) or are generally all newer activities Net5+ using 64 bits as a default? Just curious.