Data scrapping using sibling tag

Hi ,

I am trying to extract the data from site using following selectors , where div is the tag holds my required data but sometimes there will be one more div is getting added in page by which hence it is extracting from index 1 div tag. Is there any alternate available to add the sibling tag condition like attributes (ID , class)

	<column exact='1' name='Column1' attr='text'>
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='3' />
		<webctrl tag='article' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='p' idx='1' />

Found the solution to above problem , to select the tag which has different sibling tag.

<column exact='1' name='column' attr='text'>
	<webctrl tag='div' idx='3' />
	<webctrl tag='article' />
	<webctrl tag='div' />
	<webctrl tag='h4' />
<column exact='1' name='Specialiaty' attr='text'>
	<webctrl tag='div' idx='3' />
	<webctrl tag='article' />
	<webctrl tag='div' />
	<webctrl tag='p' />