Data Scrapping for amazon affilcate?

I want to scrap data from amazon site but it updates as you scroll, i want list of all available products, any help will be appreciated!

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Use data scraping it will resolve your query



I used data scrapping but not able to get next page as next page comes when you scroll to end , any suggestion for that?? @Ajju

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After displaying the preview data, it will ask you whether you want to get data from multiple pages, select yes.,

It will ask you to select the next button , then press F2 , it will give you time to scroll and scroll down

then click on the next button


I know that but I’m not sure till how many pages i need to scroll , any suggestion for that? @HareeshMR

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How many pages you want to scroll?

According to that, change the max number of results…


I’m not sure its random everytime and its doesn’t have next button like regular wepages @HareeshMR

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Just give it “0” it will fetch all the identified values.

And its strange. Amazon will have the next button for sure… Check again :slight_smile:

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@HareeshMR for more information you can watch video


I’m not getting anything in that link

Can you share link?
I will try once

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@Ajju @HareeshMR
Try now


Can you try changing this WaitForReady to Interactive and try ?

@HareeshMR no change same output

Hi @apurvalost,

Is there any chance that you can share the link? Or something similar to it so I could share a workflow with you regarding your issue? By default the scraping data table is saving 300 results as far as I do remember


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You can open youtube in google chrome and scarp that data @Thrall