Hi. Can someone help me? How to fix the problem where bot unable to scrape data as the next page button is not visible?
how do you do it manually ? Must you do something to make the next page button visible?
should be scrolling only. but i don’t know how to scroll while scraping.
May I know how many number of rows it is scraping if you are not indicating any next page button ?
I should get 100 rows. The first page only have 40+
I guess you set MaxNumberOfResults to 100 because of that you are getting 100 rows. If you want to scrape all rows then set to 0.
what should i do to get pass through this?
i checked the properties and it’s already string.
i have a problem in this part
Can you please share the screenshot of the Extract DataTable properties.
Here you don’t have any Next page navigator right ? If so you can delete Next Link selector and then try once.
Are getting this error when you changed set the MaxNumberOfResults to 0 instead of 100 ?
Here I have next page navigator and able to get through until next page and able to scrape the data until 46 lines. No, I get the error even before I changed it to 0. It’s kind of hit or miss.
Can I access this website from my end ? If yes then can you please share me the URL to me. I will check and let you know.
yup, it’s just https://shopee.com.my/
it looks like i only getting the error after set the MaxNumberOfResults to 100. had to rerun few times to make sure of it.
I searched for bag and able to scrape data like Name, URL and Price from all pages. Please find the attached workflow for your reference.
Shopee_DataScraping.zip (1.1 MB)
still didn’t work for me but thank you. your effort is appreciated.
Hi @nr.arinaazizi ,
Please use the below workflow. It worked perfectly for me. You can also modify the same.
Hope it helps.
DataScrapping.zip (5.2 MB)
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