With this metadata the inner text “Zsn” of the span tag is being extracted. But how to get the attr value of title=“Production network” and not the “Zsn” text?
Hi, I have an issue with GetAttribute. After data scraping, I loop through the rows using For Each row. Inside that there is a Get Attribute to read the href. But it is only reading the first row .
The selector for the GetAttribute is set as (attached pic)
Hi , thank you for the quick response.
I checked the uiexplorer . there doesn’t seem to be any idx property.
Idx should be automatically generated , right? How to force it to set to 1
Where to find the idx? If you can please refer the attached screenshot, where I inspected the element ,there doesn’t seem to be any unique id which i can use as a counter to fetch next row.
Hi , i fixed the problem of getting the idx to move one by one row and get the attribute.
I faced another problem. If there is 10 rows per page, it only fetches the data for firstpage. After that it throws error saying there is no idx=11 found.