I’ve seen a lot of questions regarding data scraping without next button.
However, I can’t understand the other explanations.
I want to data scrape the data without next button.
Can you open this link? Searches
I’ve seen a lot of questions regarding data scraping without next button.
However, I can’t understand the other explanations.
I want to data scrape the data without next button.
Can you open this link? Searches
I want to put it in excel file.
Couldn’t open the link @prititit
I think the website has a server where limited users can only open.
But can you teach how to data scrape without next button?
Everytime I click each pages, the url is still the same
May I know the next button is there when we approach last page
So totally u had 4 pages in total ?
For that use the following way
Intialise a integer variable index = 1
Use while loop with condition as index<=4
Inside it use click activity to click on page number ( change selector as dynamic so it it click next page no on every iteration
Then use datascraping activitiy to make scrapping
Make sure To amke it dyanmic too
Hope it helps you
Nived N
Happy Automation
This is my selector in the Click Activity. The aaname is changing.
This is what I did. Should I change something?
Should I change my aaname to “PageNum”?
Hello, Can someone help me if what’s wrong with my script? Thank you
hey.xaml (48.2 KB)
Check which selector attribute is changing
And make that one dynamic
the aaname is the one changing, @NIVED_NAMBIAR.
i tried making it dynamic but it still doesnt work