Recently I have come across an issue i.e. immediate analysis of data came out of CSV/Excel file i.e. hands on simple statistics of the data. In Python, when we read data from a CSV file, the result is stored in a Data Frame(from pandas library). With simple strokes, it gives the above said information. Can we inject such capsule/library in UIPath as an DataFrame Activity? Please pardon me If already exists. I am exploring for the tools which give the above said immediate information which helps the Data Analysis team to forward the quick results/findings to the stake holders. Here I am sharing the image.
We can write the immediate findings of the data to a text file and can email to the team if such facility available. More over selective data based on keys(columns/row index).
Appreciate if links are shared if such feature already available.(I have seen finding Max and Min of a column , but it needs programming knowledge(linq query or Enumerable. Any other simple technique?). Questioning data out of DataFrame is very useful for Data Analysts like it’s done in Python.
Just a suggestion , you can execute the python code in UiPath so you can run the above code here as well, additional things you need to do is, write the program to pass the inputs and get the output from python code so that it will be used directly in the UiPath and get the result as expected from the code
Hi Hareesh,
Thanks for your reply. I am using Python37 and UIPath 2019.8. It’s having support upto Python36 only. Hence I am getting Python script loading error.
Here I am trying to propose is extending UIpath from Automation/Robot to Automation/Robot+Data Analysis tool. Data Analysis shares AI and UIpath supports already it as Robot building. If so supports DA, it can help more users. Right now it’s interfacing with Python compiler, but seeing challenges in it as said above.
An activity, reading total Excel data into a DataFrame and dumping it’s total Statistical analysis into a text file helps lot of Data Analyzers as explained in my first mail. Building Machine Intelligence activity (processing Excel file and yielding Data’s Statistics) in simple manner helps a lot. It’s a suggestion only, excuse me if my concept is wrong.
Hi Hareesh, sorry for my late response as I was busy in working on other things. To answer your suggestion, I am getting the same error. Moreover, it might work in Python36 as stated in the properties, but I am using Python37. I am showing the error screen below. I am trying to say that is there any road pth in future to impart the tool with analysis kind of design like in Python with Pandas library in single command , we get total info and analysis with commands like(df.analysis & df.describe()). You know UIPath is already equipped with activity on DataTable. If so, once after reading data into DataTable, we can inquire/question the data being stored in DataTable activity which helps Data Analysis team.