CV get text picking wrong data

I am using CV get text to extract specific data from pdf but if I am using a single pdf it’s working but if I am iterating to get the same data from second pdf it’s capturing wrong data can anyone help

Hi @dipon1112000

This is not good recommendation to use CV activities to extract the data from pdf’s
Use Read Pdf file activity to read the pdf file and store in a string variable.
Then use the Regular expressions to extract the required data from the Input String data.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @dipon1112000

It is not recommeneded to use the CV Activity for the scanned & digital pdf.

The best way to go for digital pdf is to use Read PDF Activity and get your desired data with the help of regex activities.
The Second way is you can open the PDF with Adobe Acrobe with the help of Open Application Activity and after that use Get Text Activity and highlight that desired text that you want to capture with taking Anchore on the selector.