CV Extract Table can't extract the table from every second loop

Hi, Community.

Can anyone help out?

When I run the to cv extract multiple pages of datatable, the can’t read the table from every second loop with an error indicating that “It can’t find the table element”. (for instance, if the extract starts from page 1 then it fails at page 2, if it starts from page 3 then it fails at page 4). It’s confirmed that there’s no limit in max interation numer propertiy of .

The test page and the way table is captured is shown below:

The descriptor of the target table looks like this:



Try this solution.

Hi @hongjoo.choi

Can you please move the Do While in the exterior of the CVScope and try again?
Also if that still fails are you open to sharing the logs in the /ComputerVisionLogs folder ?

Thank you,
Stefan Botan


Thanks for the response. I tried without Do While but the error still persists. The failure always happens at second CVExtractTable (the first one passes w/o an error) even though two CVExtractTable capture the same table. (The second one is copy of the first one)

Where can I find “ComputerVisionLogs” folder? Instead, please see the attached for the Studio log in which it says the load failure of “nuget\packages\UiPath.emgucvbundle\1.3.0\lib/net6.0/msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dl” but all the packages in my studio is up to date. StudioLog.txt (8.3 KB).

Best regards

Just for the record, this issue has been resolved by extending the timer of the activity, which means the CV might take longer than you might think it to work and the default timer (=30s) should be extended further.

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