Current user path on windows /one drive

I am starting to work with relative path. I have a file with the address C:\Users\betol\Downloads\Test.xlsx. I need to move it to another folder. However, I have achieved it with absolute path, putting the username “betol”, however I need the username not to be required.

When I am creating a folder using system.Environment.UserName I get the following error
Create Folder: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\USER\OneDrive\Desktop\2023-06-11’ is denied.

The assign for the variable path is “C:\Users"+system.Environment.UserName+”\OneDrive\Desktop"“yyyy-MM-dd”). How could it work in the case of folders that are with OneDrive?


The above expression seems lack backslash after Desktop. Can you try the following?


OR System.IO.Path.Combine may be better.

