Hi All,
How we can get the Current month and Year from the UiPath studio? Month should be complete name.
Hi All,
How we can get the Current month and Year from the UiPath studio? Month should be complete name.
Hi! In order to get the month, use this: Now.ToString(“MMMM”)
And for the year, use this: Now.ToString(“yyyy”)
Thanks and regards,
year =today.ToString(“yyyy”)
month =today.ToString(“MMMM”)
Thank you.
It’s working for me
@rahatadi, Thank you
No problem,
if you still have any query related uipath feel free to connect us
Hi @AmarKr,
You may now mark the solution by clicking the below my post. Thank you
Do we have some option to get the previous month name ?
@Jan_Brian_Despi, Do we have some option to get the previous month name ?
This will work
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