Hi ,
I have a string that can be of any type such as -122.5,-1785 or 38.34,-12 or 36 or -12.
I need to convert it to a $1,785.00 format without using the format value activity.
As of now I tried to use string.Format(“${0:#.00}”, Convert.ToDecimal(YourVariable.ToString)) but the (,) is not added and it is not able to handle values like ( -122.5,-1785) or (-111,-222.67,-444.1).
hi vishal, it is working for only if the value is singular :- -35, 73 ,-124.5 but sometime I get consolidated value like :- 123,-44,-23 in these cases its not working
Hi Shubham, it is working for only if the value is singular :- -35, 73 ,-124.5 but sometime I get consolidated value like :- 123,-44,-23 in these cases its not working