Cron Expression to trigger the bot every 10 Min from 9.00 Am to 11.50 PM

Hi Team,

I need one cron expression that trigger bot every 10 min from 9.00 Am to 11.50 PM.0 0/10 9-23 ? * * * this runs from 9.00 AM to 11.59 PM but till 11.50 PM i want.
Please help


This is for 9 Am to 11 pm

0 0/10 9-23 ? * *

And another for 11-11.50

0 0,10,20,30,40,50 23 ? * * *

I want from 9.00 AM to 11.50 PM

For now it is not possible to give cron expression for 9 am to 11.50 pm so i break this into two expressions.In future it may be possible

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