Advanced trigger settings

Please help me out with building a cron expression for triggering the BOT in “every 1 hr from day 6th to the last day of the month”.
Don’t want the BOT to run on the first 5 days of the month.


Try out this CRON expression
0 0 0/1 6-31 * ? *

your bot will run Every hour, between day 6th and 31st of the month
suppose if the month is November it will run Every hour, between day 6th and 30th of the month (skips 31st it is not exists)

Thanks a ton!!
Just wanted to ask what if instead of every hour, I want to run in every 30mins, does the below expression look good?
0 0/30 0 6-31 * ? *

Yes @anushka.prasad that should work

Thank you for confirming!

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