Creating a string into a boolean to use for a condition

I am currently navigating and iterating through a dataTable (in_CurrentForms) of forms I’ve created from scraping a pdf
Information Looks like this:

Form Titles are blurred out due to privacy.

I created an Assign one called testPrefix which for an example would grab CCP of the first form. The second assign I created is called testPrefixNext which in this example would be CIL

Once the iteration ends it loops through each of these and hits this error

Is there a way to turn testPrefixNext into some sort of boolean condition, where if it’s present continue the normal process of scraping or if it doesn’t exist in this case where it says There is no row at the position, I can end the process?


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Hey @ajeffers,

Try this as condition please.

in_CurrentForms.rows(currentRow + 1) is not Nothing

Thanks :slight_smile:

Could I put in_CurrentForms.rows(currentRow +1) is Nothing and this would simply state that there is no value?

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Apologies, I left a space by mistake. PFB

in_CurrentForms.rows(currentRow + 1) isNot Nothing

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Attempting this now! I will let you know if it works!

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