Creating a list/array from input dialog

Hi all

In my process, I want an input dialog to pop up and ask what words the user would like to search for, like so:


My question is, in the output result, would an Array of string or a List of string be the best option? And how would I get it to work? When I’ve put array in there, I get this error:


When trying list, I get this error:


Also, would the words to be searched for be separated by a coma or just one after the other, e.g. “Hello, World” or “Hello World”

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @Short ,

You would need to use a String type variable as the output variable for this.

In the Input Dialog, we could mention as to How the words would be considered as separate words like below :

We could then perform a Split by comma to get the data in an array format, if that is the intended output.

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Thank you so much!

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