Create folder of current year if not exist, similarly for current month under current year folder

I am trying to create activity for below scenario:
GetCurrentFiles.xaml (15.2 KB)

  • Create folder of current year if not exist, similarly for current month and day sub folder under current year and current month respectively, and file has to be picked from previous day folder and copied to current day folder.I am attaching my xaml file.please help. While debugging I found out that control is not going to if loop as there is no item in for loop
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@Sanjana_Sinha - I am looking at your workflow now…

It would be great if could you share the screenshot of your folder structure…


currentYear = now.tostring(“yyyy”)
currentMonth = now.tostring(“MM”)
currentDay = now.tostring(“dd”)

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This is the folder structure that has to be created by Bot everyday as per current day, also file from previous day will act as input to bot for current day

Thank you, can you please also provide xaml file

Hey Thanks! I am able to copy file from previous day folder and create folder as per current day

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