Count the number of occurrences of each value in an excel column

Hello all,
I would like to know how to count the number of occurences of each value in excel column along with each value’s values name:
input example:


I would like the output to be :
Column 1 Column 2
abc 4
efg 2
xyz 2

Thanking you,

Hi @Yugal_Raju

Please try this query:

(From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
Group row By colValue = row("Column1").ToString() Into Group
Select colName = colValue, colCount = Group.Count()).ToDictionary(Function(x) x.colName, Function(x) x.colCount)

Edit: The above query will give you the output in the form of a Dictionary, where the Col1 data & their count will be stored in key-value pairs.

If you want the output in the form of data table, please refer the following query:

(From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
Group row By colValue = row("Col1").ToString() Into grp = Group
Select dtUpdated.LoadDataRow(New Object(){

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Can you please explain how to assign this query ?


Please take a look at the following workflow for your understanding:

Here, you have a pre-built datatable ‘dtUpdated’ with 2 columns (Value & Count). Then you are executing a query to group similar data. Once the grouping is done, you load a datarow to the dtUpdated with the group value & group count.





Hope this helps, let us know if you find any difficulty executing this.
Best Regards.

I’m getting “Object not set to reference” in assign activity.

Can you please share your code ? I want to know:

  1. what is being done in Build data activity
  2. In (From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
    Group row By colValue = row(“Col1”).ToString() Into grp = Group
    Select dtUpdated.LoadDataRow(New Object(){
    What is dt.AsEnumerable ?


→ Build data table designs the future data to be stored in the specified format. Since the data you read has one column & you need 2 columns in the output data table, this will give you the dt structure.

->In simple terms, AsEnumerable() helps you convert data table into set of data rows, on which you can perform specified operations. You can get more info from the following thread:

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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