Count Number of Pages for word(.docx) document

I just want to count number of pages of MS-word(.docx) document.
We have an activity to count number of pages for PDF,

How can we do it for MS-word document?

Poojan Shah

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Check this out

Cheers @poojan.shah1

  • Word Statistics - Obtain WordCount, Total Pages,Total Lines,Total Characters,Total CharactersWithSpaces and Total Paragraphs.

Hi @poojan.shah1 ,
You can try VBA


I don’t want to use external library.

Hi @poojan.shah1 ,

Could you maybe try to use the below Code in Invoke Code activity and check :

	var wordApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application() { Visible = false };

	var myDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Open(in_FilePath);
	out_PageCount = myDocument.ComputeStatistics(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdStatistic.wdStatisticPages, Type.Missing);
catch( Exception e)
	Console.WriteLine(e.Source.ToString()+" "+e.Message.ToString()+" "+e.TargetSite.ToString());

Invoke Code Language is set to CSharp :

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How do I log the “out_PageCount” argument it is not accessible

@poojan.shah1 ,

Apologies, I had to also share the Arguments Panel.

The out_PageCount is an argument passed to the Invoke Code activity, It is to be assigned with an Integer Variable so that we can get the value outside of Invoke Code.

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