Correct state machine execution sequence

What the correct answer to this question ?

Hi @Teaf,

Your question is a duplicate of : State Machine Execution Sequence

The thread has no marked solution but two different approaches / suggestions which you can test yourself on a state machine in UiPath Studio.

As per the explanation of what the different stages do please read through : State Machines - Exit workflow and Trigger

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No, the question is not duplicate the different in my question is" Activities in the destination state are performed" instance of " Trigger condition are evaluated ".

i tried this sequence (3,4 ,1 ,2 ) also (4,3,1,2) but unfortunately not correct.

The correct order is actually:

  1. Entry
  2. Transition Trigger Activity
  3. Exit
  4. Transition Trigger Action

You can test it out by putting logs in each respective section of a state and running it.

Hie @Teaf first it goes in the entry section then it goes in the condition state after the condition is match or true it goes in the destination after completing action action goes in the Exit section - so for this Entry(1),Transition(2),Destination(3), Exit(4)