Copy DataTable

Hi Everyone ,
i am stuck in a problem.
that i am not able to using datatableDT.defaultview.totable(true,“city”).copytodatatable.
i am not getting the syntax with copytodatatable.


Please revert me as i am not having a solution.

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Hey @mohd_qamaruddin

No need of copy to table here as it’s already a table.



welcome back to UiPath forum

Usually when you are using DefaultView we don’t need a copytodatatable

DefaultView.ToTable - will already convert it to datatable

So the expression will be like this

datatableDT = datatableDT.DefaultView.ToTable(True, “city”)

This will get the distinct value in column city and the final output datatable will be having only that City column
If FALSE is mention instead of TRUE in the above expression then it will give all the records from that city column

Hope this would help you
Cheers @mohd_qamaruddin

hello Palaniyappan,
thank you so much now i got the solutions.


It would be helpful for many for future referral if the right comment is marked as solution

Cheers @mohd_qamaruddin

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