Copy data from api to postgres database


You have to create a table such as this, I have given the data type for the same

| Refrance Code |API Call time | API Statu Code | API Respone | Status | etc…
|Nvarchar (MAX)| Current Time | NVARCHAR(100)| NVARCHAR (MAX) | Bit(1) | etc…

1 Call to API
2 Chack the Code response [300,200, etc]
3.1 Option 1: if you want to store the data then Deserialize the object to string
3.2.1 Option 2:if you have to store the data to specific columns then you need to get the data from the object
3.2.2 convert this data to the data table

4 Save the data to the database one by one after the success, Use UiPath packages for connecting to your database based on the base Provider [MY SQL/MS SQL/ Oracle / Or any other database]

Do not use the data table for storing the data table after each API call because you can lose the data if the bot stops due to an unknown exception.