I’m new to UiPath and still learning a lot. At the moment I’m trying to do some Excel automation. I got most of the steps working, but some of them were hard coded (like copying sells to a different sheet).
Now, I’m trying to make this dynamic. I need to copy the totals from column E, F and G. The totals are in the last row of the Pivot Table. I tried the ‘Find First/Last Data Row’ to find the last row and then copy the data with the ‘Copy/Paste Range’. I also tried the ‘Read Range’ together with ‘Write Range’. In both cases I get ‘error BC30331: Value of type ‘Integer’ cannot be converted to ‘IReadRangeRef’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.’
I tried to find the last data row from the pivot table in 1.2.4, then I selected column B as this is where the pivot table starts and saved the first and last rows as variables.
In 1.2.5. I then tried to read the range of the LastRow. But, now I see that I ofcourse have to specify which cells in that last row I want to copy as well. How would I be able to do this?
In the range field which is showing the error mark, you have to give the range not just the row number which was found in 1.2.4 as shown in the example below : “Tabelle1” is the sheet name and you can change the A to AE range as your needs.
Took me some time :D, but I got it working thanks to you. Appreciate your help a lot! I wasn’t thinking clear, was using a range formula in Read Cell… Obviously not working when I look at it now. Thank you!