Hi All, How can i copy a date data of column A (for example: 1/6/2019) and and paste it in all cells in column B (starting with the one besides the date mentioned) until there is a different date in column A (for example: 3/6/2019) then, copy that new date and start pasting that one in the cells of column B. Repeating this process for every different date data found.
Fine hope this would help you
—Use a excel application scope and pass the file path as input
—use read range activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named outdt
—next use a for each row loop and pass the above variable outdt as input
—inside the loop use a if condition like this row(“DOC/LINEA”).ToString.Contains(“/“)
—If true it will go to THEN apart where we can mention as in_datevalue = row(“DOC/LINEA”).ToString
Where in_datevalue is a variable of type string
—Now next to this if condition use a assign activity like this row(“Fecha Prueba”) = in_datevalue.ToString
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @aferreira054