Converting .xlsm (excel file) having several tabs to .txt file

Hello Friends,
Please I need your help.
I need to convert a heavy excel file (with several formulas inside) having several Tabs.
This excel file (.XLSM) i have to convert to .txt (flat file)…

I would really appreciated if you could suggest me how to do it? which activity i have to use ?

Thank in advance,

  • Excel Process Scope
    ** Use Excel File
    *** For Each Sheet
    **** Read Range into tempDT
    **** Merge tempDT and finalDT
  • end Excel Process Scope
  • Write CSV


If you need to text file you can use output datatable activity which converts the datatable to a string format which you can write to text file

Also to read each sheet use for eqch sheet in excel and then convert each if the sheets have different columns else merge and then convert


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