Converting input excel to expected output excel(u can refer to image)?

Data.xlsx (10.1 KB)

I want to convert my input excel (data.xlsx) to make it look exactly like table you can see in image
Only the column headers need to be in sync not the values…as you can see repeatitive columns in input excel

Hi @anjasing
Thanks for your post but you posted a picture and I don’t understand what exactly you want now.

Some description is always helpful to get into your thoughts and problems.

Please read again the description, i think I am clear nw?

:sweat_smile: yes now I understand what you mean.

If I understand it correctly you want to summarize the data and “sort” differently.

The “easiest” way I think is to save the file as CSV and then write VB code directly to it or develop it as Excel macro … if you can write VB code ( I unfortunately not so good :innocent: ).

Alternatively, I would iterate over the table in several steps and always combine necessary sequences to combine them at the end to a “real” DataTabel. Is from my point of view some work what is behind it.

Where is your concrete problem or are you looking for someone who does the implementation for you?

Hi, actually I am new to uipath. So not very familiar on how to do that? So if you can help?
i think here data is coming in correct sequence and only column headers aren’t in sequence they are repeating…don’t know why :confused: