Converting Double to String


I have two data tables that have columns I have matched through Vlookup. Essentially what I am trying to do is Compare the columns in each spreadsheet and make them the same in both. I have that working but I want to pull two columns out of the data table using a Filter data table - it looks as follows:

I have checked that values going in are correct before the filter, but it is outputting 0 for me as both the Values are of type double when created but the filter needs to see them as strings.

What is the best way to go about this?

Hello @Sean_Ryan1
Try opertaion “Contains” instead of “=”
Its may helps you

hi @Sean_Ryan1,
I would suggest you to first log out the row().toString values and see what exactly you are getting it from datatable.

Thanks & Regards,
Shubham Dutta