Converting data PDF to excel

test.pdf (9.2 KB)
have one pdf file i want to convert it to excel

you can try by following methods,

  1. if you are using advanced excel, just go and click on data, get data from pdf. record this activity in macro and invoke the macro in uipath
  2. you can use uipath document understanding of uipath and add taxonomy
  3. use tesseract ocr with preserve formatting method and try to put it in excel.

@Deepan_Baskaran thanks pls provide study link so that i can discover new things as m new to uipath that will be beneficial

    refer this link to perform in excel itself

  2. For document understanding, search in youtube as Uipath document understanding or in uipath academy there is a session.

  3. tesseract ocr, you have activity itself in uipath as tesseract ocr… choose your pdf file and in properties enable preserve formatting