when i store a number in a int 32 variable and convert it into string to print in a message box i am just getting zero for every number
If u just write that variable it will show the output
To print in Message box Just write it as var only if its giving error try
i have put up the snap
U should declare the i first then q
in variable pane just declare string after int
—declare that i = 2 with an assign activity before to that message box instead of doing in the variable panel or declare the i first in the variable panel and then followed by q
the reason is when the value for i is been searched it doesn’t show anything, as it is declared next to q and usually in programming itself when we want a variable (var1) to be used in another variable say var2 then we need to declare the var1 first then only we can use that in variable var2
—make sure that you have only variable named as i
Cheers @vishal.kp
Its better practice to assign concatenating values in assign Activity.
thank you
Cheers buddy
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