Converting a datatable to html but not getting column names

after converting datatble to html and sending it thru smtp email …only table rows are coming but not column name how to get it?


Please Help

Hi @jain.priti26

The table you want to add in mail just write it in excel first, read it again (uncheck add header) and add in mail using create html content.

we assume you have used Create HTML Content Activity.

Unfortnately, we encountered some buggy behaviors through the different package versions

When inspecting the datatable within the immediate panel, what are the column names
Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

use YourDataTAbleVar.Columns

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Hey @jain.priti26,
Is it possible to share the data table data in an excel so that we can check and confirm?



While adding table in create html content is it. Not adding the columns…one way you can do is to insert the column names as the first row and use it…so that the column names are also added to the table
