Hi All,
Can anyone tell how to convert system.FileInfo datatype into 1-D string array datatype.
Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
Can anyone tell how to convert system.FileInfo datatype into 1-D string array datatype.
Thanks in advance.
what is the error in the validation?
If you want to convert fileinfo string() to string() then try like this,
Directory.GetFiles("DirPath", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
May I know the purpose of converting the fileinfo to string array.
Hi @sarathi125 ,
I want to sort files inside the folder and storing in array.
You have to store them like Path(0),path(1)
so that you can use counter starting by A=0
so you should assign
then assign A=A+1
make sure that length of array of Path and looping is same else you will get error of index out of boundry
for making sure of that u ca use condition for A value validation
like A>loopingarray.length
Here “Path” is your string array, so have the index value in the left side of the assign activity and pass the value from the right side.
EX: Path(0)
Regarding the sorting, on which criteria you want to sort the files, we can do it using linq directly with will result as List(Of String) datatype.
Your Most Welcome !!!
Happy Automation.