Convert .msg to .eml


I have a folder of .msg files that I have been able to attain the attachments of via creating a mailMessage object via the Get Outlook Mail activity.

However, some of these attachments are themselves .msg files, and I need to grab their attachments too. I’ve found an activity to help but need the .msg files in the .eml format. Any suggestions?

Many thanks

Hi Mate,

See this,

Hope it helps,


Thanks Sahil, unfortunately just changing the extensions won’t work

You may try EAGetMail library (commercial)


Thanks J0ska, would like to be able to do this without having to download some additional program

Well, this is not a “program” but just another library/deppendency package to be included via the Package Manager

If you do not like it you will need to code it yourself :slight_smile:


Thanks J0ska, really helpful. Have explored using EAGetMail but unfortunately can’t be spending money on it… back to the drawing board!

You could try this:

Using this library you could read the MSG file into MsgReader.Mime.Message object, map it to a and finaly save the MailMessage to EML file using the “Save Mail Message” activity


This is just a mock up
ConvertMSGtoEML.xaml (8.2 KB)
