Overall I’m trying to create a webshop solution with a shoppingbasket.
I’ve succeded with all new orders, but the issue is when there is prebooked orders that needs corrections.
On pageload I initialize two empty lists (SoldItemsList and OrderTotalDouble)
The user has the possibility to choose a customer from a table in the top of the page, or create a new customer.
on row selection a lookup to dataservice is performed to check for already existing orders.
Flow (No existing orders)
The customer is chosen and the items to be sold is added to the lists by clicking two buttons + and -
A few of the items are shown like below;
clicking + performs these actions
Removing the item again by clicking -
All of the above works fine, the issue is if there are presold any items and the user should add or correct the already sold items.
Today I add a predefined line with the amount and a fixed name, and not the acutal products to the list.
I would like to be able to take the presold items from the fetch result from the Dataservice and display them in a custom list, and upon clicking + or - add or remove items to the custom list
And when done take the whole list of items, both new and old items and add them to a queue item so the robot can pick up the queue item and process the items afterwards.
I would like to have a datatable that looks like this
Itemnumber, Price, quantity
Itemnumber, Price, quantity
Itemnumber, Price, quantity
which is presented as a custom list including the three columns and the +/- buttons
And lastly a sum of the price column to be able to present the total order amount.