Hi all,
I am struggling with the following problem.
I am retrieving data from the data service entity using query entity record activity.
the output is in the form of IList. (System.Collections.Generic.IList) But I want to build a data table from this IList. Any help is much appreciated.
Have you tried using the Build Data Table activity for the DT?
Yes. I am facing problem while populating values. Finding difficulty in assigning values from IList from data service to datatable columns.
Please see this sample from Karan which converts the List returned from Data Service to a Data Table - Export data service list into a excel sheeet - #4 by Karan
He is also writing the data to Excel but you can ignore that part.
HI @arpithaj17 ,
I have attached a sample flow which retrieves data from data service using “Query Entity Record” Activity and saves it in a data table.
For testing I have created an entity Employee in data services as below.
DataServices.zip (6.0 KB)
Thanks for the help. Solved my problem.
Thanks for the help.
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