Hello Community,
I’m working on an app that displays charts through an HTML Control, and I’m experiencing issues displaying the size when deploying my app through the UiPath Assistant. I have noticed in the past that generally, your app will display a bit differently in terms of interface size depending on whether you deploy it through the Assistant or through the browser. Still, you can always configure sizes so it works fine for you. But in this case, I’ve been unable to find a combination of width and height for my canvas in the HTML Content to display my chart in a nice way without having to scroll in the container to see the whole chart. As you can see in this image.
I’ve noticed that the difference between the sizes displayed on my HTML content varies immensely depending on where I deploy it, more than any other control usually behaves.
Size configured
Surely I don’t know much about this size configuration, but I’ve tried working with px and % and haven’t found a combination that works for me after several attempts.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
Any recommendations?
Thank you for your attention. I’ll be waiting for feedback.