Continue with next Row if Exception Encountered

Hello Everyone,
We are using a Sequence in Dispacher which follows the below approach
1)From portal downloads the files(Download multiple files in sequence)
2)Identifies one by one which country the files belong(identification done for all file Sequence)
3)Perform calculation and adds that details into the Excel Sheet(Calculation Sequence)
4)Add to Queue

So the thing is it moves to the next sequence only once its done with the current one.
Currently For Each Row in Data table is used

Which means that if it finds some error while calculating for the first file then it fails and stops and does not go to the next sequence/Row in data table
Is there a way we can conquer this this and make it independent so that if for example for one sequence fails for any one of the row item it still continues with others


You would have to use a Try Catch activity inside the For Each Row loop and add the Body of the For Each Row inside the Try Part and configure the catch part with the Exception type.

If there is a reset operation needs to be performed for the execution to work properly for the next item , you could place those operations in the Catch part.


Inside your for each row in datatable use a try catch and keep the activity inside the try block…and catch block can be empty or can keep a log mesaage so that it continues with next item…if you want to perform any tasks when failed you can add those also in catch block

Hope this helps


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Thanks @supermanPunch and @Anil_G for the prompt responses

Have used rethrow in catch block so it gives the exception and stops.

But as suggested will try to keep the catch block empty

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