Connect Token > invalid_request


When I try to create a token for the API connection, I get an error.

After this page, I get Error 200 error in UiPath.

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For confidentia application acope the dupported grant type in client_credentials and not refresh toekn…please use the porper auth

Check this page


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Thanks for the information, I tried connecting directly to Swagger UI as a different way, but this time it was null even though the values below were present.

SpecificContent: null :frowning:



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Seems like the issue with your auth is compelted

For the further one first check if you are trying to get from same queue . If the items are different and or may be a different item is being taken…we need more info to decide the issue here


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Hey @Mesut_Can,

You don’t need to put client_secret. Let it be blank and just click on Authorize. Follow login to Orchestrator if asked.

You are good!

Ashok :slight_smile:

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OK, I log in like this and get the data via Swagger, but specificContent appears to be null.


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@Mesut_Can, you need two API calls.

  1. First API call to endpoint - /odata/QueueItems. This will return you all the queue Items int the Tennent.

We need two things from this API response. 1. OrganizationUnitId 2. Id

  1. So we have two inputs required for our second API call to endpoint - /odata/QueueItems({key})

Configure API request as below.

key = Id
X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId = `OrganizationUnitId`

That’s it. Click execute.


Ashok :slight_smile:


You are an incredible person. You helped me a lot. Thank you very much.

I would like to leave a small note for those who have the same problem.



That’s nice of you. :blush:

Happy Automation!

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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